Action plan for the horizontal networking and coordination of child protection services and organizations

In the framework of the Operational Programme of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity it was assigned to the Organization “The Smile of the Child” to conduct a study with the aim to develop an Action Plan for the Horizontal Networking and Coordination of Child Protection Services and Organizations.

This study is the first documented mapping of the field of child care services in Greece.

The study was conducted in 2008 and it was published in 2009.

The structure of the study includes:

  • Definitions of child protection terms - child protection policies
  • Legal and administrative framework of child care organizations in Greece
  • Existing situation and evaluation of the characteristics of the child care system in Greece
  • The axes of Developmental Strategy and National Programme for Social Cohesion and Solidarity.
  • Actions of the plan for social care and horizontal networking of services and organizations