LOST2: Definition of competences at European level for the recognition of the qualification (Learning Opportunities, inStruments and Investigation Techniques to fight the growing phenomenon of Missing People in Europe)

The Smile of the Child in collaboration with six other European countries is implementing the project entitled “LOST2: Definition of competencies at European level for the recognition of the qualification (Learning Opportunities, inStruments and Investigation Techniques to fight the growing phenomenon of Missing People in Europe)” funded by the “Erasmus+” of European Union. The project has a strong European dimension with partners from six countries:


P1: Agenzia Regionale LAB - Lavoro e Apprendimento Basilicata / ARLAB (coordinator), Italy
P2: SIULP Perugia - Union of Italian Workers Unitary Police, Italy
P3: OMNIS, Italy
P5: Asociacion sosdesaparecidos - SOSDESAPARECIDOS, Spain
P6: European Forum of Technical & Vocational Education & Training - EfVET, Belgium
P7: The Smile of the Child - TSOC, Greece
P8: C.M. Skoulidi & SIA E.E. - p-consulting, Greece
P9: Associação Portuguesa de Crianças Desaparecidas - APCD, Portugal


The project has 30 months duration (from 1.12.2022 to 31.05.2025) and aims, through the transnational cooperation of European countries, to define common educational content and the creation of a European certificate system of professionals for the investigation of missing persons, which will be recognized throughout the EU. The certification will be entitled "Expert in the research of Missing People & minors".


For more information about the project and its deliverables please contact: projects@hamogelo.gr


Funded by the “Erasmus+” of the European Union