Coordinator of the project “Sustainable Alliance For Missing Children in Greece [SAFE]” with financial support from the REC Programme of the European Union (2016-2018)

The «Sustainable Alliance For Missing Children in Greece –SAFE» project has a 24 month duration and aims to sustain & expand the high quality level of services provided by 116000; enhancement of a structured, integrated & holistic approach towards the response to cases of missing children via the collaboration of all relevant governmental agencies. The projects also aims to further improve of the management of missing children cases, coordinated by 116000 operators, by development & utilization of the Missing Children Response Team.

The project’s activities include:

  • Assessment of training needs of professionals ; Development of the Training Module (in collaboration with experts from abroad)
  • Provide training & capacity building to 150 staff of governmental agencies (e.g. police officers, fire fighters, coast guard etc.) in search & rescue techniques as well as investigation and other thematics that will be identified via needs assessment.
  • Raise awareness about the European Hotline for Missing Children 116000 in Greece targeted to the general public, refugees & schools (teachers, students, parents)
  • Further expand the cooperation between 116000 with governmental agencies; further elaboration, extention & enhancement of the already established cooperation of 116000 in Greece with governmental & non-governmental agencies (e.g. law enforcement, fire service, coast guard, schools, district attorneys) and other relevant organizations

The project is co-financed by
DG Justice /European Union

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