Special Educational Needs


RAISED OF €21,000

27 supporters

Τhe start of the new school year is demanding for every family. Even more demanding for a bigger family, that of "The Smile of the Child"!  
We must immediately raise the amount of €21.000 to cover the special educational needs for 7 out of the 300 children being raised in the Homes of the Organization.
A qualified educator is necessary to provide specialized educational support and care to our children.
The role of the special educator is particularly important as she/he will be able to manage both learning challenges and other difficulties faced by our children, who  have been exposed to intense and extreme psychotraumatic experiences, having suffered all forms of violence, abuse and/or neglect.
Now more than ever your support is valuable to us, so that we can give children what they rightfully deserve : a real and fair chance at life!


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6 kids need you

18.000€ for six children with serious health problems

€17,719 pledged so far
GOAL €18,000

Children with health problems need us

With €20,000, we will be able to provide medical assistance to children across Greece.

€6,040 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €20,000

Φροντίδα για 15 παιδιά

Με 11.200€ εξασφαλίζουμε κοινωνικό λειτουργό για 6 μήνες

€3,521 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €11,200