Summer Ice Cream

68 Ice Cream × €10

22 supporters

All children look forward to summertime knowing that the days are longer as temperatures rise; school is out and for many, more relaxing parental rules. But is it really summer without an ice cream cone?  Breaking nutrition rules to enjoy an ice cream is a must for both young and old - at least in summer.

Your donation helps our children enjoy this summertime treat. 


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No One Should Miss Christmas...

100.000€ for the 11.000 children that need our help

€67,176 pledged so far
GOAL €100,000

6 kids need you

18.000€ for six children with serious health problems

€18,118 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €18,000

Children with health problems need us

With €20,000, we will be able to provide medical assistance to children across Greece.

€6,040 Pledged Until Now
GOAL €20,000