We produced the documentary "Bullying Diaries" as a forum in which boys and girls discuss the bullying they have experienced as either a victim or perpetrator at school, or in their neighborhood. The goal is to publicly recognize bullying and identify its root causes so that this phenomenon disappears.


This 51 minute documentary includes responses and facts on the bullying phenomenon from recognized experts in this field, for example Dan Olveius (Professor of Psychology), and Akis Giovazolias (Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology).


"Bullying Diaries" was filmed in Greece and in the United Kingdom, and created within the framework of the European project "European Antibullying Network".  It was funded by the European Commission's Dafni III program, and together with 16 organizations from 12 EU countries, is implemented by "The Smile of the Child".


It is a two-hour teacher training film.