The Smile of the Child in Thessaloniki
«The Smile of the Child»
operates in Thessaloniki since 1996 providing support of children and their
families in Northern Greece and struggling on a daily basis to ensure the best
possible living conditions and the rights of children in healthcare, education
and recreation.
The inauguration of the Southeastern European Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (SEEC) took place on 12 October 2010 at the offices of Thessaloniki at
3 Papakyriazi Street. This building has been donated from Mrs. Mairi Vasileiadou
– Ioannidou and was renovated with a monetary donation from late Ioannis
At the Southeastern European Center for Missing and Exploited Children (SEEC)
the following services are housed:
- The National Center for Missing, Abused and Exploited Children
- The extension of the National Helpline for Children SOS 1056
- The extension of the European Hotline for Missing Children 116000
- The Center of Direct Social Intervention (CDSI)
In addition, the Organization operates from the same building:
- The Volunteer Creative Workshop
- The Department of Commercial Goods
- The Department of Volunteers
- The Administrative Services