Students of DIS Stockholm on an educational visit to "Smile"

14 May 2024

We had the pleasure again this spring, just before Easter, on Tuesday, 16th April, to welcome twenty-six students from the DIS Stockholm educational institution, as part of their educational program.

During the visit, the staff of "Smile" informed the students about the services and activities of the Organization, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the operation of the 4 hot/helplines (1056, 116000, 116111, 1017], the 11 Homes of the Organization, the Day Center “House of the Child”, and the volunteering activities of adults, children, adolescents and groups, while they also got to know the people of"Smile".

The visit took place at the Panhellenic Coordinating Operational Center for Direct Social & Medical Intervention "Andreas Yiannopoulos" of ‘Smile’’ in Aghia Paraskevi., on their own initiative, as from previous visits, the impressions and experiences gained by the students of the institution, were very positive.

Thank you DIS Stockholm, for your warm words always, for your attention to the Organization’s work, for your consistent hands-on trust in the work and actions of the "Smile", and for the kind donation you have made for the umpteenth time!