The Office of Children’s Issues, US Department of State, visits "The Smile of the Child"

17 May 2024

We were most honored and pleased to welcome on Wednesday, May 15th, at the Panhellenic Coordinating Operational Center for Direct Social & Medical Intervention "Andreas Yannopoulos" of "The Smile of the Child", a representative of the Office of Children's Issues of the US State Department, as well as members of the US Embassy, in the framework of our continuous cooperation.

We warmly welcomed the Embassy officials and State Department representative in order to present and showcase to them, in person, the holistic work of Organization.

As the Department of State's Office of Children's Issues is the designated Central Authority to manage international parental child abduction cases and implement the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, this visit had a dual purpose: it was an opportunity to see firsthand, onsite, the Organization’s actions and services in the field of missing, the process followed under different circumstances, the vehicles and mobiles units, the high-level logistical equipment, etc., as well as its essential role in assisting in cases of parental child abduction c.

During their visit, they were also given the opportunity to see how an incident of parental abduction is managed in the Greek media, as a few hours ago earlier the Organization had issued an Amber Alert.

Thank you very much, both for the excellent cooperation so far, through the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), and for the interest to pay a visit to us and give us the opportunity to share with you all the actions and services we provide to children in Greece.