“The Smile of the Child” supported 90.765 children and their families in 2017

Athens, 31 January 2018
The annual statistics of 2017 were presented by “The Smile of the Child” on Wednesday, the 31st of January during a press conference held at one of the premises of the Organization in Athens. “The Smile of the Child” announced the total number of children and their families that were supported by 487 specialized professionals and thousands of volunteers, as well as through its actions for every child victim of violence, missing child, child with serious health problems and every child and their family threatened by or living in poverty.
In addition, the new actions inaugurated within 2017 were presented, including the Pediatric Care at Home program implemented in cooperation with the Aristotle University and the 3rd Pediatric Clinic of the General Hospital “Hippocrates” in Thessaloniki, the operation of the Center of Direct Social Intervention in Heraklion, Crete and Kavala, Northern Greece, as well as the inauguration of a new Home for Children located in N. Iraklitsa, Kavala.
“In 22 years of relentless efforts “The Smile of the Child” stands by every child and their family in need on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Throughout all these years we managed to provide quality and effective solutions to more than 1.350.000 children and their families based on the longstanding support of society, citizens and companies and in close cooperation with the institutional actors,” said the President of the BoD of “The Smile of the Child”, Mr. Costas Yannopoulos. Respectively, in the course of 2017 we supported 90.765 children who experienced various forms of violence, missing children, children with serious health problems, children and families threatened by or living in poverty conditions. Despite the economic difficulties and challenges stemming from the ever increasing needs in our country, “The Smile of the Child” will continue to implement its actions for children in need with the same quality and sensitivity”, added Mr. Yannopoulos.
More specifically, according to the statistical data of 2017:
“The Smile of the Child” next to every child victim of Violence:
• The National Helpline for Children SOS 1056 received 221.152 calls. 37,5% of these calls concerned reports for children at risk.
• The National Helpline for Children SOS 1056 received 848 reports of serious cases of abuse related to 1.656 children. 39% concerned children 0-6 years-old. 51% of these reports concerned neglect/abandonment of children, while in 37.5% of these cases the parents were the victimizers.
• 150 direct interventions were carried out for 237 children at risk. 87% required the immediate removal from their family environment.
• 134 requests for shelter of 218 children at risk were received. 47% of the cases concerned children in neglect.
• The European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111 received 6.332 calls.
• The European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111 offered counseling services on issues related to children to 3.818 individuals. 24% of the callers sought guidance from our Organization on issues related to behavioral problems.
• 297 children are currently being raised in 11 Homes of the Organization nationwide. 58 children became members of our family in 2017.
• 55 of our children over 18 years of age are continuously supported by “The Smile of the Child” parallel to their studies and/or employment.
• 256 children received 5.948 therapeutic services from the multi-disciplinary team of “The House of the Child” Day Center.
• Interactive Preventative Interventions were carried out for 33.578 children in the framework of 885 visits across Greece with the participation of students, Parents and Guardians’ Associations, Teachers’ Associations and the public.
“The Smile of the Child” next to every Missing Child:
• The European Hotline for Missing Children 116000 received 9.379 calls.
• The European Hotline for Missing Children 116000 received 128 requests for the support in search and rescue operations for 128 missing children. 115 children were found, 3 children are still missing, while communication with the family has been interrupted for various reasons for 10 cases.
• Interactive preventative interventions were provided to 772 children in the framework of 142 visits nationwide with the participation of students, Parents and Guardians’ Associations, Teachers’ Associations and the public.
“The Smile of the Child” next to every child with a Health problem:
• “The Smile of the Child” conducted transfers of 2.803 newborns and children, responding to 5.517 calls and covering 328.251 km! Out of the 2.803 children 637 were newborns and infants.
• 1.267 children with health problems were supported and the Organization responded to 7.111 requests for support. Out of the 1.267 children, 309 children had no health insurance!
• 9.339 children participated in recreational activities offered by the Organization through 17.023 actions in 6 Hospitals in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras.
• 140 children received the services of the “Pediatric Care at Home” program in the framework of 1.158 visits of doctors, physiotherapists and nurses.
• 12.749 children were medically examined nationwide and free-of-charge in the framework of 18.244 medical check-ups provided in 3 mobile medical units of preventive medicine (Multi-medical Unit “Hippocrates”, Dentistry, Ophthalmological and ENT Units). “The Smile of the Child” cooperated with 383 doctors of different specialties and dentists across Greece who volunteered by offering their services for children. From 2002 to 2017 99.923 children were examined!
“The Smile of the Child” next to every child who lives in poverty or is threatened by poverty:
• 17.731 children and their families living or threatened by poverty were supported nationwide. In 74,3% of the cases these were families of unemployed parents or parents with an insecure employment status.
• 53 children were provided with services in 3 Daycare Homes in Ilia, Agrinio and Mytikas, respectively. 83% of these children took part in this action due to social reasons.
• 5.886 children participated in recreational activities offered by the Organization at the Playground of the Organization at the Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”.
For more information, please contact our press team at press@hamogelo.gr or at +210 3306140.