Now that you know how it feels to live without a hug, show your affection to children in need

29 June 2020


Athens, 29 June 2020


Now that you know how it feels to live without a hug, show your affection to children in need


Today we all came to appreciate one of the things we took for granted in our lives… a hug.

However, thousands of children are deprived of the basics and never got the chance to take tenderness for granted.

Only united may we become a huge hug that will protect thousands of children in need.

Let’s create a safety net for these children, let’s embrace …

… children being abused
… children going missing and being exposed to a high risk of exploitation
… children suffering from severe health problems
… children whose parents have a hard time making a living for their families


Your donation to “The Smile of the Child” will contribute to small or big needs of thousands of children. Thus, you offer more than you think, you participate in the solution of the problem. You offer a hug, together with the sense of security, protection and tenderness, they so desperately seek for.


There are two ways to participate and show your affection

  • Donation via paypal in Greece or abroad (here)
  • Bank deposit in Greece or abroad 
    Bank account: 144-002101-046682  IBAN: GR0301401440144002101046682

For more information
“The Smile of the Child”
Press Office
Tel. +30 210-3306140